Last updated January 22, 2025
This edgy serial drama follows sanctimonious politico Tommy Caffee and his mobbed-up brother, Michael. When Michael returns home looking to take over the local syndicate, Tommy's task of protecting the community becomes tricky, to say the least.
Details about Brotherhood: Season 1
Tommy is a politician and family man. His brother Mike is Tommy's shadowy reflection: a sadistic gangster who rules the neighborhood's underworld. The fate of their Irish-American community depends on this family's struggle between good and evil.
Details about Brotherhood: Season 2
The Caffee brothers -- Providence, R.I.'s answer to Cain and Abel -- are back for another season of this gritty Peabody Award-winning series that follows the complicated relationship between siblings on opposite sides of the law.
Details about Brotherhood: Season 3
This award-winning series tells the story of two working-class, Irish-American brothers -- self-important politician Tommy Caffee and mobster Michael -- whose divergent personalities make it hard to remember that they are family.
Details about Brotherhood
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