Last updated December 21, 2024
In this first full-length film based on the popular Nickelodeon cartoon series, Tommy Pickles (voiced by E.G. Daily) takes on additional responsibilities when a new baby brother enters the picture. The infant, named Dil, is such a burden to Tommy and his pals Chuckie, Angelica, Phil and Lil that they decide to bring him back to the hospital. The kids get lost along the way and run into a group of troublesome circus performers.
Details about The Rugrats Movie
In John Singleton's update of the 1970s classic, New York police detective John Shaft arrests Walter Wade Jr. for murder, but he jumps bail to Switzerland, returning to face trial two years later.
Details about Shaft
A TV producer launches a reality show set in Michael Myers' childhood home. But the college kids who've agreed to spend a night in the killer's former haunt get more than they bargained for when Michael joins them.
Details about Halloween: Resurrection
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