Last updated March 09, 2025
In Season 7, Jack stands trial to defend his unconventional methods while the Counter Terrorism Unit learns that someone has hacked into the government's central computer, leaving the nation's infrastructure open to attack.
Details about 24: Season 7
Anti-terrorism agent Jack Bauer and his expert team must thwart an assassination plot against a leader from the Middle East who's visiting New York in the eighth season of this action-packed, critically acclaimed series.
Details about 24: Season 8
Each season of this Emmy-winning action thriller follows 24 hours in the life of Jack Bauer, a special agent who works for the government thwarting terrorist attacks and other threats to national security as he struggles with his own inner demons.
Details about 24
In this riveting indie tale set in coastal Maryland, the Tyler household's structure begins to crack when 11-year-old Emma (Tara Devon Gallagher) develops an ear problem requiring surgery that the Tylers can ill afford. As long-buried family squabbles come to the surface, Emma turns to an emotionally haunted young woman (Sarah Paulson) for solace and friendship. Cherry Jones (Tony Award winner for "Doubt" and "The Heiress") and Robert Knott shine as Emma's parents.
Details about Swimmers
Hilary Swank stars as famed aviator Amelia Earhart in this dramatic biopic that follows the daring pilot's rise from obscurity in Kansas to her troubled marriage to businessman George Putnam (Richard Gere), who recruited her for her first transatlantic flight. Mira Nair (The Namesake, Vanity Fair) directs; Ewan McGregor, Joe Anderson, Christopher Eccleston and Mia Wasikowska co-star.
Details about Amelia
Suffering from a severe case of depression, toy company CEO Walter Black begins using a beaver hand puppet to help him open up to his family. Jodie Foster directs and co-stars as Walter's wife in this dark comedy.
Details about The Beaver
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