Last updated January 21, 2025
This cult classic dramedy follows the social struggles of a group of Michigan high school students in 1980, centering on Lindsay Weir, a studious senior who befriends a group of burnouts, and her brother, Sam, a freshman who's quickly branded a geek.
Details about Freaks and Geeks: The Complete Series
A group of high school students in 1980 faces various social struggles. Lindsay Weir rebels and begins hanging out with a crowd of burnouts, courtesy of an invitation from Daniel Desario.
Details about Freaks and Geeks
Cameron Diaz stars as Elizabeth Halsey, a scheming and coarse-tongued middle school teacher who gets dumped by her wealthy boyfriend and rebounds by sinking her claws into a handsome substitute teacher (Justin Timberlake).
Details about Bad Teacher
Brian Dilks has spent six years toiling in anonymity at Omnilink, the high point of his days being his ongoing flirtation with Amy. But when a revelation by his best friend blows the lid off his world, life at Omnilink may never be the same.
Details about Drones
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