Last updated December 21, 2024
In this first full-length film based on the popular Nickelodeon cartoon series, Tommy Pickles (voiced by E.G. Daily) takes on additional responsibilities when a new baby brother enters the picture. The infant, named Dil, is such a burden to Tommy and his pals Chuckie, Angelica, Phil and Lil that they decide to bring him back to the hospital. The kids get lost along the way and run into a group of troublesome circus performers.
Details about The Rugrats Movie
The Pickles family sets sail on a cruise ship, but their vacation takes an unexpected turn when they're shipwrecked and stranded on an island. There, the Rugrats cross paths with the Thornberry kids, whose parents are filming a documentary.
Details about Rugrats Go Wild
In the second film to spring from the popular series, the gang visits Paris when Mr. Pickles gets summoned to fix a giant robot at the EuroReptarland theme park. Meanwhile, Chuckie tries to find a nice girlfriend for his widowed father.
Details about Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
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