Last updated March 11, 2025
Peter Pan and the denizens of Neverland have captured the hearts and minds of J.M. Barrie's readers. But this Oscar-winning film reveals how the imaginative author envisioned a world that was at once so wondrous and perilous.
Details about Finding Neverland
While hunting in the desert, Llewelyn Moss stumbles upon a drug deal gone bad and takes off with $2 million in cash. With a psychotic hit man hot on his trail, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues.
Details about No Country for Old Men
When Hollywood actress Lara Tyler travels to a tiny Scottish island to get married, the paparazzi follow her, prompting her to flee in frustration. To dupe the press, her handlers stage fake nuptials and hire a local girl to play the bride.
Details about The Decoy Bride
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