Last updated January 21, 2025
In another installment of the Resident Evil series, Milla Jovovich returns as zombie-killing soldier Alice, who's left to roam the ruins of Las Vegas with a small band of survivors when a string of viral outbreaks nearly wipes out humankind.
Details about Resident Evil: Extinction
Two potheads smoke some brain-enhancing weed and, to their surprise, score high enough on entrance exams to get into Harvard. Once there, however, they exhaust their supply of wise-weed and look for creative substitutes in order to make the grade.
Details about How High
Devin Overstreet may be the class valedictorian, but he hasn't had much life experience. Enter Mac Johnson, a 10th-year senior and weed dealer who teaches Devin a few things when they team up on a chemistry project.
Details about Mac & Devin Go to High School
With money, fame and a reality star for a fiancée, R.J. Stevens travels back home to Georgia for his parents' 50th anniversary. But after pompously showing off his Hollywood lifestyle, he's forced to take a deeper look at what he's become.
Details about Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
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