Last updated March 09, 2025
The WWE selects the 50 most celebrated wrestling superstars, spanning across generations from classic greats like Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin to contemporary favorites like Big Show, John Cena and Randy Orton. The program showcases highlights from these influential wrestlers' careers, and features insider commentary on the industry's history and the memorable contributions these individuals have made to the sport.
Details about WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time
Relieve the moments that left an indelible impression on the WWE universe, from classic battles of the 1980s to the best title bouts of the 21st century. The action features "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Undertaker, Triple H and other superstars.
Details about OMG! The Top 50 Incidents in WWE History
Created with the input of loyal fans, this anthology contains some of the greatest matches in the history of the WWE Championship. With footage dating back to the 1970s, these are the bouts that won the most votes from wrestling enthusiasts.
Details about WWE: History of the WWE Championship
Chronicling the glory days of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, this career-spanning collection features the superstar grappler's biggest bouts vs. Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana, Ricky Steamboat, Honky Tonk Man and André the Giant, among others.
Details about WWE Macho Madness: The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection
Chronicling the glory days of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, this career-spanning collection features the superstar grappler's biggest bouts vs. Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana, Ricky Steamboat, Honky Tonk Man and André the Giant, among others.
Details about WWE Macho Madness: The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection
Created with the input of loyal fans, this three-disc set contains some of the greatest matches in the history of the WWE Championship. With footage dating back to the 1970s, these are the bouts that won the most votes from wrestling enthusiasts. Hosted by announcer Jim Ross, the series includes a multimedia time line with highlights for every title change. Memorable matches feature the likes of Hulk Hogan, the Rock, Undertaker and many more.
Details about WWE: History of the WWE Championship
Hosted by former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Diamond Dallas Page, this collection of bouts features eight matches and other historic moments. The high-flying excitement comes courtesy of such WCW stars as Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and others.
Details about WWE: The Very Best of WCW Monday Nitro
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