Last updated March 09, 2025
Rare footage and state-of-the-art colorization combine to create this examination of World War II, which also features newly uncovered documentation about Axis and Allied strategies and battles in both Europe and the Pacific.
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Witness the most dramatic moments of World War II as never before possible -- in high-definition color -- in this documentary series. Newly discovered footage and computer-enhanced imagery create an immersive chronicle of the war from every side.
Details about World War II in Colour
The Who made history with this campy cult classic -- the first-ever filmed "rock opera" -- which tells the tale of Tommy (Roger Daltrey), a boy who loses the ability to hear, speak and see after the tragic death of his father. Despite his losses, Tommy becomes a pinball champion and religious messiah, only to have his followers betray him. Tina Turner, Elton John and Eric Clapton all turn in performances in this outlandish production.
Details about Tommy
The Olympic Series 2012: Golden Moments features a sampling of the greatest and most inspiring moments that capture the true spirit of the Olympic Games from Athens 1896 to Vancouver 2010.
Details about The Official Olympic Series: Golden Moments
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