Last updated March 09, 2025
Rare footage and state-of-the-art colorization combine to create this examination of World War II, which also features newly uncovered documentation about Axis and Allied strategies and battles in both Europe and the Pacific.
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Witness the most dramatic moments of World War II as never before possible -- in high-definition color -- in this documentary series. Newly discovered footage and computer-enhanced imagery create an immersive chronicle of the war from every side.
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Ken Burns's fascinating multipart documentary examines the history of alcohol in America, including the events leading up to the passage of the 18th Amendment, the social and legal effects of prohibiting alcohol, and the repeal of Prohibition.
Details about Ken Burns: Prohibition
Ken Burns's fascinating multipart documentary examines the history of alcohol in America, including the events leading up to the passage of the 18th Amendment, the social and legal effects of prohibiting alcohol, and the repeal of Prohibition.
Details about Ken Burns: Prohibition
The life and career of the great world leader Winston Churchill are explored in this three part documentary, from his childhood, his two turns as the Prime Minister of England, and up to his tragic death.
Details about Churchill
Follow the career of one of Britain's most illustrious leaders, Winston Churchill, in this three-part documentary, which examines Churchill's childhood, his tempestuous first turn as prime minister, his memorable second term and tragic death.
Details about Churchill
Narrated by Malcolm McDowell, this award-winning documentary from director Sam Bozzo posits that we're moving closer to a world in which water -- a seemingly plentiful natural resource -- could actually incite war. As water becomes an increasingly precious commodity, corrupt governments, corporations and even private investors are scrambling to control it which leaves everyday citizens fighting for a substance they need to survive.
Details about Blue Gold: World Water Wars
A companion piece to Dan Brown's best-selling novel The Lost Symbol, this documentary explores American history and many of the book's Washington, D.C., locales to find the facts behind the legends of the nation's Masonic past.
Details about Hunting the Lost Symbol
From politics in the United States to the dawn of the Arab Spring, powers are shifting around the world. Explore the ideas of statecraft through these presentations on diplomacy, border conflicts, U.S. elections, extremist groups and more.
Details about TEDTalks: Power Shift
From politics in the United States to the dawn of the Arab Spring, powers are shifting around the world. Explore the ideas of statecraft through these presentations on diplomacy, border conflicts, U.S. elections, extremist groups and more.
Details about TEDTalks: Power Shift
Radio Canada and CBC present a six-episode documentary on the role that propaganda played during World War II.
Details about Amour Haine et Propagande: Season 1
After World War II, two powerful countries opposed each other: the Capitalistic United States and the Communist world led by the Soviet Union.
Details about Amour Haine et Propagande: Season 2
Radio Canada and CBC present a documentary series on the role of propaganda.
Details about Amour Haine et Propagande
Narrated by Academy Award nominated actor David Strathairn (Good Night, and Good Luck, Lincoln) , the 2013 season of this award-winning series consists of eight half- hour documentaries, featuring interviews with nearly 100 of the most important figures in international affairs along with introductory remarks from every living U.S. Secretary of State.
Details about Great Decisions in Foreign Policy
David Strathairn hosts this series that examines landmark international moments with nearly 100 key players in the global community. The award-winning show also includes comments by every living United States secretary of state.
Details about Great Decisions in Foreign Policy
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