Last updated March 10, 2025
Rebellious creative designers craft elegant solutions to our most unshakable problems and turn the mundane into the marvelous. Through art, objects and computer programs, these TED presenters are changing our concepts of beauty and practicality.
Details about TEDTalks: Rebel Design
Astounding artists, photographers and illusionists enchant the audience with these TEDTalks which boggle the mind and stir the heart. You won't believe your eyes as these presenters discuss and demonstrate their crafts.
Details about TEDTalks: Artistry and Illusion
Can our educational system teach tomorrow's big thinkers, or are we in a serious education crisis? Step inside new learning paradigms of the future as these TEDTalks speakers present their bold ideas about teaching and comprehension.
Details about TEDTalks: Knowledge Is Power
National Geographic presents in-depth profiles of some of the most ruthless and ambitious rulers in history, including England's oft-married Henry VIII, Russian Empress Catherine the Great and France's exceptional strategist, Napoleon.
Details about Icons of Power
The Nazi Hunters each painstakingly hunted down a few of the most hated and reviled individuals on earth, sometimes using methods that at times would often horrify their own supporters.
Details about Nazi Hunters: Season 1
The Nazi Hunters each painstakingly hunted down a few of the most hated and reviled individuals on earth, sometimes using methods that at times would often horrify their own supporters.
Details about Nazi Hunters
Meet four of history's most iconic rulers and learn about their long-lasting influence in this documentary series from National Geographic. These profiles spotlight the power and drive of Catherine the Great, Henry VIII, Napoleon and Peter the Great.
Details about Icons of Power
Historian Bettany Hughes delves into the history of Alexandria, Egypt, revealing the story of a city founded out of the desert by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. to become the world's first global center of culture.
Details about Alexandria
As fierce battles raged on in Europe during World War II, the Pacific Theater was just as contentious and bloody. This fascinating documentary takes viewers into the heart of the action, from Manchuria to Hiroshima. Get to know the key players of this dramatic and deadly power struggle through this collection of 24 episodes that explore the weaponry and strategies employed in the war, as well as the brave soldiers who fought in it.
Details about Crusade in the Pacific: America at War
The first season of this tongue-in-cheek Spike TV series celebrates the stupidity of the human race by documenting real stories of death via unusual circumstances, such as a man who dies of heat exhaustion while trapped inside a fish suit.
Details about 1000 Ways to Die: Season 1
Always amazing and often macabre, this documentary series re-creates some of the strangest fatal accidents ever recorded. In Season 2 that includes death by lava lamp, acupuncture, harmonica and more -- all illustrated via computer animation.
Details about 1000 Ways to Die: Season 2
Combing through the morbid archives of odd death records, this tongue-in-cheek Spike channel series highlights the science behind the unfortunate incidents that have led to the world's strangest demises.
Details about 1000 Ways to Die
As fierce battles raged on in Europe during World War II, the Pacific Theater was just as contentious and bloody. This documentary takes viewers into the heart of the action of this dramatic and deadly power struggle, from Manchuria to Hiroshima.
Details about Crusade in the Pacific: America at War
The world's most mesmerizing artists push the boundaries of music with jaw-dropping performances and breathtaking ideas. Musicians from jazz, classical, beatbox and other diverse fields demonstrate their talent and imagination.
Details about TEDTalks: Music Revolution
As the world's economy muddles through "the great recession," how will capitalism reinvent itself? TED speakers -- including Niall Ferguson, Naomi Klein, Alain de Botton, Stefan Sagmeister and many others -- place their bets and discuss prosperity.
Details about TEDTalks: The Capitalism Paradox
Would you die for love? Would you lie for love? These presenters' insights on sex, secrets and love are as surprising as they are delightful. Experts and humorists speak candidly about desire and attraction to illustrate the wonder of love.
Details about TEDTalks: Sex, Secrets & Love
Watch these iconic, high-profile personalities talk in depth about their lives, their visions and their ambitions. Richard Branson, Jane Goodall, Bono, Stephen Hawking and J.J. Abrams are among the many well-known presenters who share their stories.
Details about TEDTalks: Icons
TED brings you the ultimate "guy'd book" with these testosterone-heavy topics that typically appeal to males. From being strapped to a jet aircraft to hacking a game controller, these presenters' curiosity and heroics will inspire both sexes.
Details about TEDTalks: It's (Not Just) a Guy Thing
As the world's economy muddles through "the great recession," how will capitalism reinvent itself? TED speakers -- including Niall Ferguson, Naomi Klein, Alain de Botton, Stefan Sagmeister and many others -- place their bets and discuss prosperity.
Details about TEDTalks: The Capitalism Paradox
Would you die for love? Would you lie for love? These presenters' insights on sex, secrets and love are as surprising as they are delightful. Experts and humorists speak candidly about desire and attraction to illustrate the wonder of love.
Details about TEDTalks: Sex, Secrets & Love
Watch these iconic, high-profile personalities talk in depth about their lives, their visions and their ambitions. Richard Branson, Jane Goodall, Bono, Stephen Hawking and J.J. Abrams are among the many well-known presenters who share their stories.
Details about TEDTalks: Icons
TED brings you the ultimate "guy'd book" with these testosterone-heavy topics that typically appeal to males. From being strapped to a jet aircraft to hacking a game controller, these presenters' curiosity and heroics will inspire both sexes.
Details about TEDTalks: It's (Not Just) a Guy Thing
From the peak of Mount Everest to the bottom of a test tube, enjoy these talks that explore the making of medical wonders. Knifeless surgery and a 3D printer that produces a transplantable kidney are some of the fascinating findings.
Details about TEDTalks: Doctors on the Cusp
Celebrate extraordinary women of our time, who are conquering the world with their drive, wit, intelligence and grace. Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright, actress Jane Fonda and author Arianna Huffington are among the presenters.
Details about TEDTalks: For All of Womankind
Bold predictions and stern warnings -- are we heading for a final countdown or a new frontier? These TED presenters peer into mankind's future as they share their visions of what lies ahead ... and what can be corrected.
Details about TEDTalks: Humanity's Future
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